How To: Quickbooks Tutorial


Get started with customer transaction workflows in QuickBooks Desktop

SOLVEDby QuickBooksUpdated July 03, 2020
Learn the different ways you can track customer transactions in QuickBooks Desktop.
Here’s how to record common customer transactions in QuickBooks Desktop. Following these workflows can help you organize your cash flow, and track sales, receivables, and profitability more accurately.

Workflow 1: Invoice - Payment - Deposit

Follow this workflow if you provided a product or service and your customer plans to pay later. Once your customer pays, you can record the payment in QuickBooks to close your customer’s invoice or reduce the balance.
1.      Create an invoice

Workflow 2: Sales Receipt - Deposit

Follow this workflow if your customer pays you on the spot for a product or service.

Workflow 3: Estimate - Invoice - Payment - Deposit

This workflow is also called progress invoicing. Follow this if you work on projects or jobs for customers. You can use an estimate (also known as a quote, bid, or proposal) to track the materials, labor, and additional expenses that go into the project. Then, you can invoice your customer as you complete the work.

Workflow 4: Sales Order - Invoice - Payment - Deposit

Follow this workflow if your customer orders an item that you don’t have in stock now. This way, you know what products you still need to buy from vendors, so you can complete your customer’s order on time.
Note: The sales order feature is only available in the Premier and Enterprise edition of QuickBooks.

Workflow 5: Estimate - Sales Order - Invoice - Payment - Deposit

Follow this workflow if you need to complete a project, but you don’t have complete materials on hand yet.
You can create a sales order from your estimate, so you can track the items on backorder. Then, you can create an invoice from the estimate once the project is complete.
Note: The sales order feature is only available in the Premier and Enterprise edition of QuickBooks.
1.      Create and send the project estimate to your customer

Workflow 6: Statement Charges - Finance Charges - Statement - Payment - Deposit

Follow this workflow if you regularly charge your customer for items, but only invoice them periodically (for example, by the end of the month). You can skip creating an invoice for each charge, and your customer can pay their accrued charges in a lump sum.
2.      Assess finance charges (for overdue charges)
3.      Create and send the billing statement to your customer
4.      Record the payment you receive

Create sales receipts
SOLVEDby QuickBooksQuickBooks Enterprise Suite4Updated June 17, 2020
Use sales receipts if you receive full payment at the time of the sale. Sales receipts include payments by cash, check or credit card.
IMPORTANT: If you do not need to track Sales by customer, you can still use Sales Receipt to record your daily sales summary. To do this, set up a customer named Daily Sales (or any name you prefer) and then enter the total sales for the day per Item. If you have multiple cash registers and you want to track the sales per register, you can set up a customer name for each one.
1.      On the QuickBooks Home screen or the Customers menu, go to Create Sales Receipts/Enter Sales Receipts.
2.      From the Customer: Job drop-down, select a customer or job. If the customer is not on the list yet, you can click Add New.
3.      Fill in the relevant information at the top of the form like the Date and Sale No.
4.      Choose the payment method.
5.      In the detail area, select the item(s) you propose to do or include as a sale.
Note: When you select or add an item, the description and amount are automatically populated based on the description and unit cost entered when the item was set up. You can delete or modify this when creating invoices.
6.      If you want to apply for a discount, you need to create a discount item.
a.       From the QuickBooks Lists menu, select Item List.
b.      Right-click anywhere and click New.
c.       In the New Item window, click the Type drop-down and select Discount.
d.      Enter an Item Name/Number and a brief Description.
e.       In the Amount or % field, enter the discount amount or percentage. If your discount amounts vary, you may want to leave the Amount or % field blank and enter the amount directly on your sales forms.
f.       From the Account drop-down, choose the income account you want to use to track discounts you give to customers.
g.      Select an appropriate Tax Code for the item then OK.
7.      Click Save & Close.
Although not part of your usual A/R workflow, a sales receipt is still one of the most important customer-related transactions in QuickBooks Desktop. To see the complete list of workflows, refer to Accounts Receivable workflows.

Accounts Payable workflows in QuickBooks Desktop

SOLVEDby QuickBooksUpdated June 06, 2020
Learn about the Accounts Payable workflows you can use in QuickBooks Desktop.
Accounts Payable is the record of outstanding bills for your business. This is used so you can track the money you owe your vendors. The first time you enter a bill, QuickBooks will add Accounts Payable to your Chart of Accounts. Then, when you enter or pay a bill, QuickBooks records the transaction to your Accounts Payable account.

Accounts Payable workflows

There are 2 Accounts Payable workflows available in QuickBooks Desktop. To record your Accounts Payable transactions, choose the workflow that best suits your business and follow the steps for creating each transaction.
Workflow 1: Pay bills that have a purchase order
Use this workflow if your business tracks the goods and services you order.
Note: Purchase orders are only available in QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, and Enterprise.

Accounts Payable workflow 1
2.      Receive your inventory.
4.      Pay your bills.
Workflow 2: Pay bills that don’t have a purchase order
Use this workflow if your business doesn’t track the goods and services you order.

Accounts Payable workflow 2
1.      Enter your bills.
2.      Pay your bill.

Receive inventory

SOLVEDby QuickBooksUpdated June 16, 2020
You can receive inventory with or without a bill in QuickBooks Desktop after you record a purchase order. Recording the inventory received and the corresponding bill, if given, updates the quantity on hand for each item and the payable to the vendor.

Receive inventory with a bill

Use this option if you received the items and the corresponding bill/s for them.
1.      From the Home page, select Receive Inventory drop-down and choose Receive Inventory with Bill.
2.      On the Enter Bills window that appears:
a.       From the drop-down, choose the vendor name.
b.      Select Yes to receive a purchase order for the bill.
c.       Choose the correct PO and select OK.
d.      Review the information on the Bill. Note that except for the Memo field, any fields that were filled in on the PO are carried over to the Bill.
e.       Select Save & Close.
3.      When you're ready to pay the bill, proceed to Pay Bills.

Receive inventory without a bill

Use this option if you received the items but the vendor did not provide the bill yet. This will create an Item Receipt which increases your inventory asset account and accounts payable.
1.      From the Home screen, select the Receive Inventory drop-down and choose Receive Inventory without a bill.
2.      On the Item receipt window that appears:
a.       From the drop-down, choose the vendor name.
b.      Select Yes to receive a purchase order for the bill.
c.       Choose the correct PO and select OK.
d.      Review the information on the Item Receipt. Note that except for the Memo field, any fields that were filled in on the PO are carried over to the Item Receipt.
e.       Select Save & Close.
3.      When you receive the bill for the inventory, proceed to Entering bills against Inventory.
Receiving inventory is part of your usual A/P workflow in QuickBooks Desktop. To see the complete list of workflows and other vendor-related transactions, refer to Accounts Payable workflows in QuickBooks Desktop.

Set up and track your inventory in QuickBooks Online

SOLVEDby QuickBooksUpdated July 03, 2020
Learn how to track your inventory in QuickBooks Online Plus.
QuickBooks Online has everything you need to manage your inventory. Track what's on hand, get alerts when it’s time to restock, and see insights on what you buy and sell. You can also enter non-inventory products and services so you can quickly add them to your sales forms. We’ll help you set it all up and get going.
Inventory features are available for QuickBooks Online Plus. If you don’t have Plus, upgrade your QuickBooks plan to start tracking your inventory.

Step 1: Turn on inventory tracking

If you haven’t yet, turn on these settings so you can add your inventory.
1.      Go to Settings  and select Account and Settings.
2.      Select Sales.
3.      Select Edit  in the Products and services section.
4.      Turn on Show Product/Service column on sales forms.
5.      Turn on both Track quantity and price/rate and Track inventory quantity on hand.
6.      Select Save and then Done.

Learn how QuickBooks handles your inventory accounting

Step 2: Add your inventory products

Now you can add your inventory items as well as other products and services you sell into QuickBooks. This lets you quickly add them as line items to your sales forms. The steps to add inventory, non-inventory, and service items are slightly different:

Add products you want to track as part of your inventory

·         Follow the steps to add inventory items. These are products you sell that let you set and track product quantities.

Add products and services you buy or sell, but don’t track as part of your inventory

·         Follow the steps to add service items. These are the services you sell to customers. For example, landscaping or bookkeeping services.
·         Follow the steps to add non-inventory items. These are things you buy or sell but don’t (or can’t) track as inventory. For example, nuts and bolts used in an installation.
·         Create bundles: Bundles let you group multiple products or services together. For example, a gift basket of fruit, cheese, or wine. Adding products in a bundle saves you from having to select them one by one in invoices or receipts.
Note: Remember, QuickBooks won't track quantities for services, non-inventory items, and bundles.

Step 3: Keep track of what sells

Once you set up all your inventory products, you track them when they sell. There are two ways to track what you sell:
·         Create an invoice if you’ll get paid later.
·         Add a sales receipt if your customer paid on the spot.
QuickBooks then decreases what’s on hand by the amount on the invoice or sales receipt.

Check what’s on hand and what’s on order as you work

Check what’s on hand and what’s still on order as you work on an invoice, sales receipt, or another type of transaction. Just hover your pointer over the quantity you entered for an item to see more info.
If you set reorder points, QuickBooks will also let you know when something's running low. If you set a low stock alert, QuickBooks will also let you know when something's running low.
Note: To check all your products’ quantity on hand, go to the Sales menu then the Products and services tab. Or run reports to check what's in stock at any time.

Step 4: Restock your inventory

QuickBooks tells you when it’s time to restock. You can order inventory right in QuickBooks. Then, track what you receive from suppliers and what’s still on order. When you do, the quantity on hand automatically increases by the number of items you receive.

Step 5: Use reports to check the status of your inventory

Access reports to instantly see your best sellers, what’s on hand, cost of goods, and more.

Use reports to see your sales and inventory status

SOLVEDby QuickBooksUpdated April 20, 2020
Learn how to see your best sellers, what’s on hand, the cost of goods, and more.
Use reports to get helpful insights on the things you buy and sell, and the status of your inventory. We’ll show you which reports to run depending on what kind of info you want to see.
To get started, go to Reports, then select Standard. Once you're there, here's what you can do.

See your best sellers

Go to the “Sales and customers” group of reports. Then run these reports to see your sales by products and services:
·         Sales by Product/Service Summary: Your total sales for each product and service.
·         Sales by Product/Service Detail: Your sale transactions by product or service.

Check what’s in stock

Go to the “Sales and customers” group of reports. Run these reports to know what’s on hand, so you always have what your customers want:
·         Inventory Valuation Summary: The quantity on hand, value, and average cost for each product.
·         Inventory Valuation Detail: Your transactions for each inventory item, and how they affect quantity on hand, value, and cost.
·         Physical Inventory Worksheet: Your inventory items with space to enter your physical count, so you can compare to the quantity on hand in QuickBooks.

Check what’s still on order

Go to the “Expenses and suppliers” group of reports. Then run the Open Purchase Order Detail report.
This shows you how many items are still on order and how many you’ve received so far.

How to check what’s in stock and what’s on order as you work

You can also check what’s on hand and what’s still on order as you work. Just hover your pointer over the quantity you entered on any transaction.
If you entered reorder points, QuickBooks will also alert you if a product is running low.

Customize your reports

You can tailor each report to the info you need the most. Go to the top of any report to change the report date, grouping of info, and more. To see all changes you can make, select Customize.


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